Have you seen Delikado and want to take action?
Sign the petition to save Palawan’s Forests
Palawan’s forests are known globally for their rich ecosystems with high biodiversity, but they are continuously threatened by mining, monocrop plantations (agro-forestry plantations), and ill-planned infrastructure projects. Support the call on the National and Local Governments to protect the remaining 600,000 hectares of forest.
Support Palawan NGO Network Inc
Bobby Chan and his team at Palawan NGO Network Inc (PNNI) are dedicated to the welfare of the environment and people of Palawan. One of the biggest challenges they face is a lack of funds. You can support their work to end illegal logging, fishing and mining in Palawan by donating and following their work on social media.
Host a screening
Increase awareness about the courageous environmental and land defenders and advocate for change. Contact our impact campaign partners who are organising screenings all over the Philippines.
Support the Delikado Impact Campaign
Donate money or your time to help us to host community screenings of Delikado in the communities most affected by illegal environmental degradation. It costs just USD $400 to host a screening for over 100 people in a community in the Philippines.
Our impact campaign is also focused on:
Increasing the visibility of Palawan's land defenders and their efforts to preserve forests, mountains and mangroves.
Driving support for land defender movements and environmental campaigns in the Philippines and around the world.
Strengthening efforts to improve government and corporate transparency and accountability.
Sign the petition to urge the European Union to hold business accountable for their impacts on human rights, the environment and the climate.
The battles being led by Bobby, Tata and Nieves in Delikado are the same as those being fought by local communities in Brazil, Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and elsewhere around the world, where corporations and governments are seeking to plunder increasingly valuable natural resources.
Guidelines for businesses to act responsibly remain voluntary for the most part, meaning violations of environmental and human rights continue to abound and the price for fighting back can be fatal. We have a chance to turn the tide.
Introducing rules to hold businesses accountable can help prevent products sold in the European Union (EU) from being tainted by suffering and destruction. Sign to tell the EU to defend people and planet and protect our future.
Educational and community screenings
We work with GOOD DOCS on educational distribution for Delikado.
If you are interested in purchasing or streaming the film for an educational institution or community screening please visit this website for more information.
Share your thoughts
A key part of using Delikado as a film for change is understanding how it impacts audiences. Take our survey and let us know what you thought of the film and how you think it could be used to drive change.
Learn more
The Last Line of Defense, Global Witness: the climate crisis is a crisis against humanity, and land defenders are the last line of defense.
Defending the Defenders, Global Witness: Broken promises are leaving land and environmental defenders at the mercy of business at all costs.
The Corruption Perceptions Index, Transparency International: The Philippines scored 33 out of 100 on the Corruption Perceptions Index, leading global indicator of public sector corruption.